
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"A Bridge"

close to the River's edge,
I study the traffic overhead,
passing back and forth with so much ease,
and wonder.
Could Time devise for me a Structure,
a Bridge so Strong and True,
as to guarantee my Finding
the Way from
where I am

~Randy Jaroch

28 November, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

"First Peace"

 First Peace~
which is the most important
is that which Dwells within the Souls
of people
when they realize their 
their Oneness~ with the Universe
and all its Powers~
When they realize that at the Center of the Universe
dwells the Great Spirit~
and this Center is really everywhere~
it is Within


~Black Elk
Oglala Sioux

25 November, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012


 Life that is not shared
 becomes tragically diminished.
To realize the immense value of a Life that is 
fully shared, is to recognise the 
True significance 
of the 
 ~Perhaps, this is the only 
real and lasting definition of Success.

And I quote:
"There is a Light in this World,
a Healing Spirit more powerful 
than any darkness we may encounter.
We sometimes lose sight of this Force when there is suffering,
too much pain.
Then suddenly this Spirit will emerge,
through the lives of ordinary people, 
who hear a call 
and answer
extraordinary ways."

For the many who have answered the call
in an extraordinary way~
I thank you. 

~May God bless each and everyone of you~
in an

Happy Thanksgiving!

Alicia O'Hara

22 November,  2012 

~@ beannaichte. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

"My Sister's Journey"

~ From my sister, Sharon*...
Our Heavenly Father has a thousand 
Ways to provide for us of which we know
nothing. Those who accept the One Principle
of making the Service of God Supreme, will 
find perplexities vanish before 
their feet.
The Faithful discharge of today's duties 
is the Best preparation for tomorrow's trials.
Do not gather together all tomorrow's
liabilities and cares and add
them to the burden
of today.
(Matthew 6;34)
<><  ><> <><
Let us be Hopeful and Courageous,
Despondency in God's Service
is unreasonable.
He knows are every necessity.
To the Omnipotence of the King of kings
our Covenant-Keeping God unites
the Gentleness and Care
of the Tender Shepherd.
His Power is Absolute,
and it is a Pledge of the sure
of His Promises to All
who Trust Him.
He has means for the removal
of Every difficulty,
 that those who Serve Him
 and Respect  the means He employs
 may be
His Love is as far above all other Love
as the Heavens are above the earth.
He watches over His Children
with a Love
that is Measureless
In the Darkest days,
when appearances seem most forbidding,
have Faith in  God.
He is working out His Will,
doing All things Well 
in Behalf of 
His people.
The Strength of those who 
Love and Serve Him
will be Renewed
Day by Day.
He is able and willing to bestow
upon His servants All the help
they Need. 
He will give them Wisdom
which their varied necessities demand.
Said the tried Apostle Paul:
`He said unto me,
My Grace is Sufficient for thee:
for My Strength is made Perfect
  in Weakness.'
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
<><  ><> <><

~Ellen White


* My sister continues to demonstrate these words in her life, on a daily basis. She is in the final stages, of cancer.
Sharon, you are a Brave Soldier, a beloved Sister, Wife, Aunt, and a True Friend, for so very many- and a fierce advocate for the abused and suffering animals, that you so deeply respect and love. 
 May Our Lord continue to hold you in the Palm of His Mighty Hand!  Is Brea' Liom Tu', 
Your sister, Beannaichte'

~One final note, I have been blessed with a wealth of intelligent, talented, hard-working, and compassionate people, through Twitter. Please visit them @beannaichte .

Sunday, November 11, 2012



  cannot help the poor, by destroying
 the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong. 
You cannot bring about prosperity, by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up, by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the Brotherhood of man, by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage, by taking away people's initiative and

You cannot help people permanently,

by doing for them

 what they could and should,

do for


~Abraham Lincoln

~Very wise words, written years ago,
 and we still don't get it...

10 November, 2013

~We know that Freedom is not Free.
To all our Veterans, who served in the Armed Forces, both past and present:
Thank You!
Your Sacrifice will Not be forgotten...  
~HappyVeteran's Day!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Little Shadow"

The Treaty lays on the table...

What is Life?

It is the flash of a Firefly

in the Night.

It is the Breath of a Buffalo

in the Wintertime.

It is the Little Shadow which runs across the Grass

and loses itself

in the Sunset.


~ Crowfoot
Blackfoot Warrior
and Orator

8 November, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Dear God"

Dear God,

As I wake up this morning,
may Your Spirit come upon me.
May my mind receive Your emanations,
my Soul receive Your blessing,
and my Heart receive Your Love.
May all those I meet
or even think of on this day
feel better for it.
May I contribute Peace.
May I serve Your purposes
with all I say and do,
today and always.
Please show me how.


~Marianne Williamson

7 November, 2012