
Saturday, July 3, 2021

" The Mist"

I am wondering if you can find me
I am lost in the Mist
You have  crossed over the Veil
~ And I miss you.

Yet, you are with me...
Sometimes I hear your Laughter
 I remember the happy times
~ And I miss you.

I am wondering if you can see me
Then I would know, I am not Lost-
 Traveling inner landscapes of Grief    
~ And I miss you.

Yet, you are with me...
Sometimes I see you in my Dreams
I wonder if we share the dreams, together
~ And I miss you.

I am wondering if I will always miss you
Maybe, I am not really Lost-
I am just lonely, in the Mist 
~ And I miss you.

Yet, you are with me...
Sometimes I feel your Touch
Your hand upon my shoulder
~ And I miss you.

I wonder if I will stop missing you
Will you think, I have forgotten you
 Love is never lost or forgotten
~ And I miss you.

Please find me in the Mist
And let me Know, it is all right
To not miss you, so deeply
Tell me ~ You are with  me.

Alicia O'Hara 
Copyrighted Material ; 3 August, 2013 

~ Beannaichte'
3 July, 2021 


  1. My Dear Friend, This is so beautiful and goes straight to the heart. Can feel every word. Thank you for this! Sending you many blessings to you and greetings thru the crows :)

  2. ~Osiyo Redwolf.

    S'gi! I appreciate your words. You are a kind one, dear friend.

    I send you that which is good and true, on the Winds.


