
Saturday, August 5, 2017

"Vietnam" knows not its own depth
until the hour of separation.

~Kahlil Gibran

The bond between us
was as strong as any tie that binds
the hearts and minds of men and women.
But men are taught,
Don't speak of love,
when speaking of another man.
You must uphold the image
of your masculinity.
And so it was, with Tom and me.
As only men express their love,
he'd slug my arm and slap my back.
I'd answer with a gentle shove.
A few years back, Tom breathed his last,
somewhere in Vietnam.
I cried alone, where no men could see,
with no one there to slug my arm.
I loved that guy, so help me God.
I wish that I had told him so.

~Randy Jaroch

5 August, 2017

~ In Memory of Jim Connor.  ~ Safe Journey, my friend.  ~ We Remember... We Remember.