
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Beannaichte's Blog: "Letting Go"

Beannaichte's Blog: "Letting Go":        T he Autumn Season makes it clear to me, as no other, the need for 'letting go.' The trees speak the language, as they d...

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Isle of Hope - Tommy Fleming

Beannaichte's Blog: "Irish Blessing"

Beannaichte's Blog: "Irish Blessing":        I wish  you N ot  a  P ath D evoid of  C louds. N or a L ife on a bed of R oses. N ot that  you  might N ever N eed R e...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Beannaichte's Blog: "Green Eyes"

Beannaichte's Blog: "Green Eyes": ~E very N ight we L ight the C andle that stands B eside our B ed. B ut sometimes the F lame's too much to handle, T hat&#39...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"And So It Is"

    And so it is .
    The seed is planted
      In the fertile winter soil,
     to be nurtured lovingly
    by earth and rain .
    It blossoms in the warmth of spring,
 paying homage to the sky.
 Its sweet fruit grows unattended, 
   ripening in the sun,
to be gathered in the harvest .

      Another seed is planted .
   And so it is .

~Randy Jaroch

 3 September, 2014