
Thursday, November 28, 2019

" Thanksgiving Eve"

                  ~ A life that is not shared is tragically diminished.
It remains a profound truth; we have truly lived, when we have made another life easier. ~ Perhaps, this is the only real and lasting definition of success.

And I quote:
"There is a light in this world, a healing Spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force when there is suffering, too much pain. Then suddenly this Spirit will emerge, through the lives of ordinary people, who hear a call, and answer in extraordinary ways".
I thank you, each and every one, who have answered the call....
~ May God bless You and Yours, in an extraordinary way!

~ Happy Thanksgiving!
~ Alicia O'Hara
28 November, 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019

"I Have a Dream"

for all people to care

for what is possible

for what is so

for wisdom

for clarity

for kindness

for love.

~ Beannaichte'
14 November, 2019