
Saturday, July 3, 2021

" The Mist"

I am wondering if you can find me
I am lost in the Mist
You have  crossed over the Veil
~ And I miss you.

Yet, you are with me...
Sometimes I hear your Laughter
 I remember the happy times
~ And I miss you.

I am wondering if you can see me
Then I would know, I am not Lost-
 Traveling inner landscapes of Grief    
~ And I miss you.

Yet, you are with me...
Sometimes I see you in my Dreams
I wonder if we share the dreams, together
~ And I miss you.

I am wondering if I will always miss you
Maybe, I am not really Lost-
I am just lonely, in the Mist 
~ And I miss you.

Yet, you are with me...
Sometimes I feel your Touch
Your hand upon my shoulder
~ And I miss you.

I wonder if I will stop missing you
Will you think, I have forgotten you
 Love is never lost or forgotten
~ And I miss you.

Please find me in the Mist
And let me Know, it is all right
To not miss you, so deeply
Tell me ~ You are with  me.

Alicia O'Hara 
Copyrighted Material ; 3 August, 2013 

~ Beannaichte'
3 July, 2021