
Sunday, December 28, 2014

"First Annual Report"

Year  on, my love,
A Year  since we Parted,
You  to  the  Prayer-wrapped Unknown,
Me  to  a Cell  called Freedom

In  your  Place I have Memory,
stingy  Usurper
Dispensing  crumbs
From  the  banquet  of  your Table

Like  a donkey  in Omeath
Kicking  my Pride
And  your  Laughter
Animating  the  Mournes

OChampagne  Saturday
When  we  whooped  and  Danced
To  new Celestial  Arrivals
On  our Cherished Firmament

Your  light  is on  Dim  now, my love,
Yet  blinding  Flashes of you
Startle  me  awake
From  the  barren  Limbo of  Dreams,

You'll  be  pleased God  is Back,
HLeft  when you died,
Went  a.w.o.l.,
Like  He'd  been  found out
Not  having  the  Answers
And  Permitting  instead  a Soothing Indulgence:
Why  hast Thou Forsaken me

Yet  there  again, my dear,
must  Allow  for Pre-occupation
With  Glamorous  new Arrival,
Introductions  all  round,
Glasses Raised  and  all  that,
Yours  a  spritzer, my love?

That's  about  It  for now, my dear,
Except to  say the blubbering  is Ceased
And  Sorrow's  sickly syrup of Self
Expunged  from  the Menu  Hope  and  Prayer,  that  is

My  love

~Gerry Corr

28 December, 2014

Händel Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus

Living Space The Holy Family – 28 December (B) | Sacred Space

Living Space The Holy Family – 28 December (B) | Sacred Space

Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Bright Blue Rose"

 skimmed across 
without once submerging
onto the banks of an urban
that hungers the first Light
much much more
than the mountains ever do.

And she like the ghost beside
goes down with the ease of a
and emerges unlearned,

For she is the perfect creature
a natural in every feature
and I am the geek with the
alchemist's stone 

For all of you who must discover
For all who seek to understand
For having left the path of others
You find a very special hand.

And it is a Holy thing
And it is a precious time,
And it is the only way.
Forget-me-nots among the
Its always been and so it
To ponder His death
And His life eternally.

One bright blue rose
outlives all those
two thousand years
and still it goes
to ponder His death 
and His life

~ Jimmy Mac Carthy

~ Beannaichte'
18 December, 2014 

You find a very special hand.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Beannaichte's Blog: "Friendship"

Beannaichte's Blog: "Friendship": A nd a youth said, " Speak to us of Friendship." Y our F riend is your N eeds answered.   He is your field which you sow wi...

Friday, December 5, 2014

Beannaichte's Blog: " How Deep the Father's Love for Us"

Beannaichte's Blog: " How Deep the Father's Love for Us": ~H ow deep the F ather's L ove for us H ow vast beyond all measure T hat H e should give H is only S on T o make a wretch H...