
Sunday, June 24, 2012

" The Gift"

is a Treasure in a Field.
I Sold Everything I had to Obtain It.
There is a Pearl of Great Price.
I Looked for it in my Dreams.
In my Waking, I Panted for It.
As a Heart running in High Places
Pants for Water.

I Polished 
Words like Silver;
Fingers Practiced long Hours on Strings.
I Changed Water into Wine at Weddings.
I Wore Robes of Purple and Scarlet;
Annointed myself with Precious Perfumes.
I Became a Mirror to Those I Loved.
I Searched in Fields of Approving Eyes
And Sold All that I Had.

My Quest
 for Greatness was Interrupted
By Becoming a Servant,
By a Sabbatical of Illness and Poverty.
As I Envied the big Shining Orbs of Charm,
I Overlooked the Simple Things.
While Sweeping out some copper Pennies
From a Dusty Corner,
A Great Gift Came to Me,
A Pearl of Great Price. 

The Treasure Hidden in the Field
is Me.



Friday, June 22, 2012

"Beautiful Hands"

Hands that
What the Tongue Can't Say
Are Beautiful to See
For They Convey the Beauty
Of the Language
 We can See

 Hands that 
so Beautifully
Mean Much More to Me
Than"Silent Tongues"
Or"Lips That Run"
Before I Can See
The Words They Form
Are Gone Like
 a Breeze



~In Loving Memory of Dean; My Forever Friend...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

"The Dream"

For the first 
four years after she died,
I felt like an orphan. 
Then one night
she came to me in a Dream,
from that moment on,
I no longer felt her death
as a loss.
I understood
that she 
had never died,
that my Sorrow was based
on an Illusion...
The Reality of my Mother
was Beyond
Birth or Death.
She did not exist because 
of Birth, 
nor cease to exist because
of Death.
I saw that Being
and non-Being
are not separate...
Being able to see my Mother
in my Dream,
I realized
that I could see
my Mother

~Thich Nhat Hahn
(b.1926- )


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


       The following statements reflect how my faith and personal understanding teach me how to live 
with the diversity of this world:

* Take care of yourself.
* Lovingly accept the self, both the flaws and the   strengths, for then it is easier to continue steadily and
accept others with humility, humour, gentleness, and  compassion.
* Never compare the self with others; feeling  disheartened or developing arrogance does not serve 
the self nor others.
* Each one of us has our own puzzle piece; enjoy  making yours beautiful.
* Take time to enjoy the self and family and friends.
* Pray and/or meditate with God every day,  filling the self with that Divine peace, Love, and Power.
* Enjoy moments, little successes, and know that when  things are tough or don't seem successful, it is
only an opportunity to learn a virtue more deeply.
* Know that each thought of Love and Peace is  incredibly important, for the self, others, and our planet.
* Know that each one of us is loved by God.

~From;Living My Values 


Tuesday, June 12, 2012



 are simply my Best Time.

~You are my Sweetest Laughter.

~You are my most Peaceful Sleep,
and still...

~You find new ways to Love me.

~You will have my Hand to Hold...


~Mary Ann Radmacher


Sunday, June 10, 2012

" The Path"

inward Peace,
and a 
will Find

~Saint Seraphim of Serov


Saturday, June 9, 2012

"The Loving Gaze"

A Sufi master was sitting quietly, when a group of men came to punish him for wrongs he was accused of committing. The men rained blows on the Sufi master, hitting him a thousand times. Yet the Sufi master remained silent, and no sign of pain appeared on his face.

After they had finished beating him, the men took the Sufi master to the court.

The judges asked: "How did you suffer no pain when you were beaten?"

The Sufi master replied replied:
"When the men were raining blows on me, my beloved wife was looking on. Her Love made the pain seem easier.  Then I thought that,
if the Loving Gaze of a human being can ease pain, the Loving Gaze of God can eliminate pain altogether."

~Nasir al-Din (1201-1274), Persia 



Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Miss Sadie"

Sadie Diggs
was born on 2 October, 1908
in Lexington, Tennessee.
`I am 100 years old.
`I was young and now I am old...
But I have never seen good people
or their children begging for food.'
(Psalms 37:25)
`We worry.
'We worry about the IRS,
and the SAT, and the FBI.
`We worry that we won't have enough
money, and when we have enough money, 
we worry that we won't manage it well.
`We worry that the world will end
before the parking meter expires.
`We worry what the dog thinks when
we step out of the shower.
`We worry that someday we'll learn that
fat-free yogurt was fattening.
`Honestly, now, did God save you so
you would fret?
`Would He teach you to walk
just to watch you fall?
`Would He be nailed to the Cross for your sins and then
disregard your prayers?
`He has put His angels in charge,
so young people, stay with God.
`Treat everyone right and 
love your enemies.
`I have had a good life...
Thank God.'
From Sadie.


~This is the actual wording of Miss Sadie's obituary, written by her, preceding her death.  It was published in our newspaper, though she lived many miles, away.  I would have liked to have known her. I believe she possessed a simple faith and much wisdom, along with a good dose of common sense. ~We Remember, Sadie Diggs...We Remember.


~In Loving Memory of Kylie Sheldahl~ Sweet Angel~ We Remember...We Remember. 

~Karen, I wish you every good thing, on this your `Special Day', and always.~ Happy Birthday!
~I Love You!  ~Beannaichte'! 6 June, 2012 


Monday, June 4, 2012


A is for
 Assessing the
 in a particular
place and time and beyond.
D is for Detailing the Challenges
 that are experienced.
V is for Vocalizing the concerns 
O is for Opposing bad, ill-conceived,
 or maligned policies
and programmes.
C is for Collaborating with others on
 positive solutions.
A is for Advancing the equality of all.
T is for Talking or Twisting the arms
 of elected representatives
or Leaders to implement justice.
E is for Engaging the public on the  
benefits of justice
 for all



Friday, June 1, 2012


to be
in my Own Voice
to  be
to Stand

