is a Treasure in a Field.
I Sold Everything I had to Obtain It.
There is a Pearl of Great Price.
I Looked for it in my Dreams.
In my Waking, I Panted for It.
As a Heart running in High Places
Pants for Water.
I Polished
Words like Silver;
Fingers Practiced long Hours on Strings.
I Changed Water into Wine at Weddings.
I Wore Robes of Purple and Scarlet;
Annointed myself with Precious Perfumes.
I Became a Mirror to Those I Loved.
I Searched in Fields of Approving Eyes
And Sold All that I Had.
My Quest
for Greatness was Interrupted
By Becoming a Servant,
By a Sabbatical of Illness and Poverty.
As I Envied the big Shining Orbs of Charm,
I Overlooked the Simple Things.
While Sweeping out some copper Pennies
From a Dusty Corner,
A Great Gift Came to Me,
A Pearl of Great Price.
The Treasure Hidden in the Field
is Me.