
Sunday, October 29, 2017

" Strange Angels and Sleeping Giants"

       ~ Drum sounds rise on the air,
and with them , my Heart.
  A Voice inside the beat says,
I know you are tired,
but come,
This is the Way.

        Over and over, we are broken on the shore of Life. Our stubborn egos are knocked around, and our frightened Hearts are broken open- not once, and not in predictable patterns, but in surprising ways and for as long as we live.  The Promise of being broken and the possibility of being opened are written into the contract of human Life. Certainly, this tumultuous Journey on the Waves can be tiresome. When the Sea is rough, and when we are suffering, we may want to give  up Hope and give in to despair.  But brave Pilgrims have gone before us.  They tell us to venture forth with Faith and Vision.
       May you listen to the Voice within the beat even when you are tired.  When you feel yourself breaking down, may you break open, instead.  May every experience in Life be a door that opens your Heart, expands your understanding, and leads you to Freedom.  If you are weary, may you be aroused by Passion and Purpose.  If you are blameful and bitter, may you be sweetened by Hope and Humour.  If you are frightened, may you be Emboldened by a big Consciousness far Wiser than your fear.  If you are lonely, may you find Love, may you find Friendship.  If you are lost, may you understand that we all are lost, and still we are guided- by Strange Angels and Sleeping Giants, by our better and kinder Natures, by the vibrant Voice within the beat.  May you follow that Voice, for This is the Way- the Hero's Journey, the Life worth Living, the reason we are here.

~Elizabeth Lesser

29 October, 2017 

Friday, October 20, 2017


~ Genius





~ Oscar Wilde

~ Beannaichte'
20 October, 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017


~The Future has an Ancient Heart.
~Carlo Levi 


     The Seasons have once again, Dovetailed                    
Summer and Autumn join their place in the circle 
The Harvest Moon blesses their union with  her lantern   
The stars join in the Autumnal Celebration
A Season that is authored by the Great God 
A time that is meant for the weary  Heart
The loyal and transparent Heart-
One that is true.

The Sky is open and incredibly vast on the Plains
 There is seemingly  no beginning and no end
The Horizon has no boundaries 
Freedom is part and parcel of this Land
 A simple understanding remains; a resolve to respect 
That which is ancient-
That which is true.

The Nights have become much cooler
The air heavy with scent and sound of Harvest
Crops await  to be sheared by massive steel blades
  Harvesting  that which was born of seed, soil, sun and rain, 
 Nurtured by callused hands
 Simple prayers, baptized in sweat-
Tried and True. .

Autumn is a time for work and reflection
Before Dovetailing with the next season
The Circle embraces a renewed wholeness
 Each Season projecting its unique personality
Rooted in the Ancient, while welcoming the new
The Past skillfully assimilates the Future-
  Trusted and True.

Here, we live by the cycles of each Season
Close to the land and the open sky
Revering the rivers and streams
Knowing that rock, wildflower, and prairie grass
 Form a Plains Cathedral
Beneath the Prairie Sky-
 Sacred and True.

The Harvest Moon, now, slowly waning 
Preparing the way for the Hunter's Moon
Each Season,  guided by Circular movement 
 Her lantern, Blessing trail and traveler, alike
Bringing forth a fruitful Harvest
 Always Dovetailing-
  The Heart That is True.

~ Alicia O'Hara 
~ Copyrighted material; 28 September, 2013
~ 9 October, 2017