
Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Lady in White"

She rides in her dreams
A gallant white horse
The snow it falls upon her
And melts in her remorse

Not the pattern of Nature
But the dreams of her mind
Love now lost in distant miles
 Again she will find

She rides to her castle
And steps from her mount
The Lady in White
Acclaiming this account 

A gentleman caller
Holds out his hand
Asking her to follow
His masterly command

His words they are so empty
She does not hear a sound
Her bed he will share tonight
Where silent loneliness is found

She asks him to hold her
While she prays for quiet rest
But he leaves before the dawning
Now his shadow her only guest

He walks away so quietly
Not knowing what she feels 
Pain is the price that she must pay
For the time the gentleman steals

She knows that she is foolish 
Sir Galahad doesn't ride anymore
 The Lady mounts her white horse again
As the gentleman he walks out her door.

Yes, she knows that she is foolish...

30 December, 2011

 ~A Special `Thank You', to Annie Kazina, for your 7day on-line e-course, and the additional materials and support, offered for the Healing Journey.  I wish you continued success in the New Year! ~Again, I thank you! ~Happy New Year! ~Beannaichte'


"The Twilight of Self"

      ~ Growing old can be a matter of growing deep.

It doesn't always happen, but the opportunity

is there.

  ~Thomas Moore;`The Dark Nights of the Soul' 



"My Heart is My Own"

~All the Knowledge

I Possess

    Everyone Else

Can Acquire,

But My Heart

My Own.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                                                                                                                      ~Beannaichte'  (12-29-11)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"The Value of Experience"

~Good Judgement

 Comes From


a Lot of That

Comes From

Bad Judgement.

~Will Rogers

~Beannaichte'  (12-28-11)

Friday, December 23, 2011

"Santa's Christmas Story"

Just a week before Christmas, I had a visitor.
This is how it happened. I just finished the household chores, for the night, and was preparing to go to bed, when I heard a noise in the front of the house. I opened the door to the front room,
and to my surprise, Santa, himself, stepped out from behind
the Christmas tree. He placed his finger over his mouth,
so I would not cry out.
`What are you doing?', I started to ask.
The words choked up in my throat, as I saw he had tears 
in his eyes. His usual jolly manner was gone.
Gone was the eager, boisterous soul we all know.
He then answered me with a simple statement.
I was puzzled; what did he mean?
He anticipated my question, and with one quick movement, brought forth a miniature toy bag, from behind the tree.
As I stood bewildered , Santa said,`Teach the Children!
Teach them the old meaning of Christmas.
The meaning that now-a-days Christmas has forgotten.'
Santa then reached into his bag and pulled out
a FIR TREE and placed it before 
the mantle.
`Teach the Children that the pure green color
of the stately Fir Tree remains green all year round,
depicting the everlasting Hope of mankind, all the needles
point Heavenward, making it a symbol of man's thoughts
turning toward Heaven'.
He again reached into his bag and pulled out
a brilliant STAR.
`Teach the Children that the star was the Heavenly
sign of promises, long ago.
God promised a Savior for the world, 
and the Star was a sign of fulfillment of His promise.'
He then reached into his bag and pulled out a CANDLE.
`Teach the Children that the Candle symbolizes
that Christ is the Light of the world, 
and when we see this great Light we are reminded
of He who displaces the darkness.'
Once again, he reached into his bag and removed a WREATH
and placed it on the tree.
`Teach the children that the wreath symbolizes
the Real nature of Love.'
Real Love never ceases. Love is one continuous round  
of affection.'
He then pulled from his bag an ornament of HIMSELF.
`Teach the children, that I, Santa Claus,
symbolize the Generosity  and Goodwill we feel,
during the month of December.'
He then brought out a HOLLY LEAF.
`Teach the children that the Holly plant represents Immortality.
It represents the crown of thorns, worn by our Savior.'
The red Holly represents the blood shed by Him.
Next, he pulled from his bag a GIFT and said,
`Teach the children that God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son...'
`Thanks be to God for His unspeakable Gift.
 Teach the children that the wise men 
bowed before the Holy Babe and presented Him
with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
We should always give Gifts in the same Spirit
as the wise men.'
Santa then reached into his bag and pulled out
a CANDY CANE and hung it on the tree.
`Teach the children that the Candy Cane represents
the Shepherd's Crook.
The crook on the staff helps to bring back strayed sheep
from the flock.
The Candy Cane is a symbol that we are our brother's keeper.'
He reached in again and pulled out an ANGEL.
`Teach the children that it was the Angels
who heralded in the glorious news of the Savior's birth.
The Angels sang,`Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth , Peace and Goodwill toward men!'
Suddenly, I heard a soft tinkling sound,
and from his bag he pulled out a BELL.
`Teach the Children, that as the lost sheep are found
by the sound of the Bell, it should 
bring mankind to the fold.
The Bell symbolizes Guidance and Return.'
Santa looked back and was pleased.
He looked back at me, and I saw the twinkle 
had returned to his eyes.
He said,`Remember, Teach the Children the True meaning
of Christmas, and do not put me in the center,
for I am but a humble servant
of the One that is,
and I bow down to worship Him,
Our Lord, 
Our God.'
~Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

"A Drop in the Ocean"

ourselves feel 

that what we are doing

is just a drop in the ocean.

But if that drop was not in the ocean,

I think the ocean would be less

because of that missing drop.

~Mother Teresa of Calcutta
                                                                                                                          ~Beannaichte', (12-22-11)  

"The Light of Faith"

When the angels appeared to the shepherds 
who were tending their sheep in the hills of Palestine,
they proclaimed the birth of the Saviour
and they gave the shepherds a sign~
`a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes
and lying in a manger'.(Luke 2:12).

The shepherds were told they would
find the Saviour through a sign,
a simple sign which was nothing out
of the ordinary~
a little baby, cared for by His mother,
in a stable, among animals.

How extraordinary! Our God came among us
in simplicity, making Himself small for us.

The message to the shepherds is also a message
to you and me~
we will find God not in the extraordinary 
or in the miraculous,
but in the ordinary and simple things of life.

We are called to find Him 
in the ordinary events which make up our daily lives~
guided by the Light of Faith...

~Alicia O'Hara c.
22 December, 2011

"A Duty"

First Duty
is to
~Paul Tillich
                                                                                                                  ~Beannaichte' (12-22-11)

Monday, December 19, 2011

"The Invitation"

        ~ It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you Ache for,
and if you dare to Dream of meeting your Heart's Longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will Risk looking like a fool for Love,
for your Dreams, for the Adventure of being Alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have Touched the Center of your own Sorrow,
if you have been Opened by Life's Betrayals,
or have become shriveled and closed 
from the Fear of  further Pain!
I want to know if you can Sit with Pain,
mine or your own,
Without moving to Hide it or Fade it  or Fix it.
I want to know if you can be with Joy,
mine or your own,
if you can Dance with the Wilderness 
and let the Ecstasy fill you to the tips 
of your Fingertips and Toes
Without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic,
or to remember the Limitations of being Human.
It doesn't interest me if the Story you are telling me is True.
I want to know if you can Disappoint Another
to be True to Yourself;
if you can Bear the Accusation of Betrayal
and Not Betray
Your own Soul .
                                                                 ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer
19 December, 2011 

~To My Forever Friends...

Sunday, December 18, 2011


~Lao Tzu

                                                                                                               ~Beannaichte' (12-18-11)



One Snowflake*

In An Avalanche


~In Loving Memory of John J. Hoesing, M.D. ~We Remember...We Remember.

Friday, December 16, 2011

"The Gift of You"

~The Christmas Season ~
a season cherished for its happy times of celebration,
with family and friends
Yet, for many, it is a very sad and lonely time.
 During the early seventies,
  I remember a poster that could be seen in a wide variety of places.
It pictured an olde man sitting on a park bench.
The caption below, read:` I was lonely, and you left me to go and pray.'
You do not have to be olde to know loneliness,
as it knows no boundaries.
 It would be most fitting,
  to honour the true Spirit of the Season,
a gift that can not be bought or exchanged~
 the Gift of You!

16 December, 2011


Thursday, December 15, 2011

"The Eternal Self"

~You  can live from your Soul
rather than your self.
This means to be less in control,
less certain of the Truth of things
but more in touch with
your Intuitions and Emotions.
It means to be less focused
on the self
 and more identified with others.
 It means to understand that
are apart of Nature and that your Soul,
which is the Source of your very identity,
is a piece of the World's Soul.
Your Roots reach downward,
not into your brain,
but into the Soil...

~by Thomas Moore;
`Dark Nights of the Soul' 
  ~Beannaichte' (12-15-11)
~In Loving Memory of John J. Hoesing, M.D. ~We Remember...We Remember.                                                                                                                           


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


  ~Welcome Home!!!

"Thank You",

for Your hard work,
Your dedication,

and many Sacrifices!

~As  a People, and as a Nation ,

~We are truly Grateful! 

~Peace on Earth!

Merry Christmas!
14 December, 2011
*Amazing Grace/V.B. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Giving Anger Form"

~ Medical books of the Middle Ages discuss
Anger in the imagery of alchemy and astrology.
These images link Anger to several other qualities and help us
stretch our imagination of what Anger is all about.
Marsilio Ficino said that although Anger
is a problem,
it helps you to arouse  your feelings
and to purge them.
Anger helps you to confront your situation.
It stimulates you and helps overcome
any timidity you may have. 
It warms your entire being and gives your Voice
and your Actions  a firmness and sharpness
they need.
Ficino especially emphasizes how Anger
can strenghten your`Voice'
and make your resolve
firm and lasting.

~Thomas Moore;`Dark Nights of the Soul'
*Enya/V.B.                                                                                                           ~Beannaichte'(12-13-11)

Monday, December 12, 2011

"An Old Man's Advice"

A brother asked an old man;
`What is humility?'
And the old man said;
`To do good to those who hurt you'.
The brother said;
`If you cannot go that far,
what should you do?'
The old man replied;
`Get away from them
and keep your mouth shut'.

~From the sayings of the Desert Fathers,
(5th century),
*Enya/V.B.                                                                                                         ~Beannaichte' (12-12-11)