
Monday, December 31, 2018

"Welcome, 2019"

In the Spirit of Peace;  
~ Soon, we will say `Goodbye', to the year of `2018',
 and `Welcome'
in the New Year of '2019' !
I wish you, one and all ,
a very happy, healthy, and prosperous
New Year!
   May the New Year provide that which is meaningful
to your Heart, your Mind and Body,
and especially ~ your Soul.
~This is my prayer for you;
Be kind to yourself, and each other. 
Work together and Play together. 
Laugh, because it is good for you,
and others. 
Cry, because it makes you so very human,
and your Soul sensitive to others.
Improve yourself. Improve your World!
And remember, when it is all said and done,
there is only one thing that will really matter ~
How much did you Love yourself ~
How much did you Love others...

At a truly unique place in time ~
I wish you, and yours, a truly
Happy New Year!
~ Beannaichte'
31 December, 2018

Alicia O'Hara 
~ Copyrighted Material; December of 2014.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

"Child of October"

And in some distant winter,
of his life, he prayed it would be written:

Here was a man, 
at peace with his thoughts.
A man of few words,
who drew more truth from the gentle rains,
than from the words of other men.
Here was a child of October,
educated by November.
A man who treasured the wisdom
in the
Autumn's Silence.
Here was a man of the Fall,
who, like the Season,
was mindful of his limitations,
yet gave all that he had to give,
Here was a man,
touched by every person, place, and thing
he chanced to touch.
And ripened
by it all. 

~ Randy Jaroch

~ Beannaichte'
28 October, 2018

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


~ Broken



~ Beannaichte'
16 August, 2014

Friday, September 28, 2018

" All of These People"

Who was it 
who suggested that the opposite
 of War
Is not so much Peace as civilisation?
 He knew
Our assassinated Catholic greengrocer who died 
At Christmas in the arms of our Methodist Minister,

And our ice-cream man whose continuing Requiem
Is the twenty-one flavours Children have by Heart.
Our cobbler mends shoes for everybody; our butcher
Blends into his best sausages, leeks, garlic, honey;
Our cornershop sells everything from bread to kindling.
Who can bring Peace 
to people who are not civilised?
All of These People,
   Alive or Dead, 

Michael Longley

~ Beannaichte'
28 September, 2018 

Monday, September 17, 2018

"Letting Go"

       The Autumn Season makes it clear to me, as no other, the need for "letting go".
The trees speak the language, as they drop their leaves.  So beautiful, in all their rich autumnal colours, eventually making their descent to the earth, below. They do not hold on, as it is time to let go.

       The flowers that have graced us with their parade of colours, have let go of their blossoms, to rest until their next seasons, as to gift us, once again.

       Even the sky takes on a different cast, as if saying "good-bye" to the bright azure blues, we have known in earlier months.

       The birds are flocking, as they prepare for their long Journey to a distant, warmer, climate. This is perhaps one of my favourite sights, of the Season.  It is truly a thing of beauty. It is also one of the saddest, as I watch them disappear into the grey sky, of Autumn. I am amazed by their ability to follow their course, so swiftly and steadily. I am equally saddened to know the perils that lay ahead of them.

       Perhaps, this is a Season that can lead us into a deeper understanding of "letting go". Its necessity, its process, and purpose, in the rhythm of all aspects of life.

       Unlike the human condition, Nature is not prone to sentimentality, other emotions, or mindsets. It is practical, and follows a path.  If that path is altered, it will usually readjust, as to follow its own natural course. There is no questioning or analyzing, only a definiteness of purpose.

       Nature is honest.  It speaks the truth of its circumstances, whether we like it or not.  No matter.

       Nature is guided by Hope.  A Hope that for everything that must diminish, something new will take its place...

       In my years, it has been difficult for me to understand, and accept, the language of "letting go".  Now, I realize, it is a necessary part of the Journey. ~A path that is not misguided, as I once believed; but one that is traveled with a definitive Hope... 

~ Beannaichte'
   Alicia O'Hara
~ Copyrighted Material; 8 November, 2011
~ Posted on 17 September, 2018

~ When I began my blog, in October of 2011, this essay would become one of the most viewed, of my personal writings. Perhaps, this is because its content remains timely. I enjoyed the opportunity to write and share it, with each one of you. I believe it to be equally relevant, in the Autumn of this year. I hope you will enjoy it, as we continue on the Journey, together... 
Mile Buiochas!
~ Beannaichte'
  17 September, 2018

Thursday, August 23, 2018

"One Final Act"

I wonder what happened
Was it quick or was it something you had planned
You brought us so much happiness
With your quicksilver wit
And your amazing physical humor
The sadness and grief; played out on the big screen -
But now, it's finished; in one desperate act.

You brought us laughter when we were sad
You taught us how to become more tolerant
You gave us your best in every role
What could we have given you
To realise: life is worth living
On screen; you gave us reason to hope -  
You stopped hoping; in one final act.

We loved you for everything you were
An original, cut from a tapestry worth its weaving
How could you be so selfish
Why couldn't you make peace with yourself
Or was that the one role you could not master?
You, a master of masters -
 Now, we weep at your one final act.

You gave so much of yourself to us
Is that how you lost yourself
You answered so many of the big questions for us
Through your brilliance on screen and comedic wit
You made us think about what really matters
Did you forget the answers -
In that one final act.

I want so much to be compassionate
Instead, I feel hurt and angry
You betrayed us, those who loved you
And yes, you betrayed yourself
So many of us wish we could have reached you 
Or would we only have delayed the inevitable -
Before choosing; one final act.

 You helped us understand:
 Our mental-health system is broken
Your life, and death; made us look at this fact, again
I pray it will not be in vain
 What became your final release
 Must never become an acceptable option -
 That is chosen; one final act.

In spite of all that I am feeling
Or perhaps, because of what I am feeling
I will miss you, deeply
I thank you, for all you gave us in life
I can never be grateful for your horrific death
Your choice was the ultimate betrayal -
A desperate; one final act.

- O Captain! My Captain! . . .

We remember Robin Williams . . . We Remember.

Alicia O'Hara
Copyrighted  material : Dated; 13 August , 2014

~ Beannaichte'
23 August, 2018

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"Give Yourself to Love"

Kind Friends
 all gather round, there's something I would say:
If what brings us together here, has blessed us all today.
Love has made a Circle, that holds us all inside;
Where strangers are as Family, and loneliness can't hide.

You must give Yourself to Love, if Love is what you're after;
Open up your Hearts, to the Tears and Laughter.
~ Give Yourself to Love~give Yourself to Love. 

I' ve walked these Mountains in the Rain,
I've learned to Love the Wind.
I've been up before the Sunrise, to watch the Day begin.
I always knew I'd Find You, though I never did know how;
Like Sunshine on a cloudy day, You stand before me Now.

Love is Born of Fire, it's Planted like a Seed,
Love can't give you everything, but it Gives you what you Need.
 Love comes when You're Ready, Love comes when You're Afraid;
It'll be your greatest Teacher~the Best Friend you have made.

~ Give Yourself to Love~ give Yourself to Love...

~Kate Wolf

14 August, @018

Monday, July 2, 2018

"Till Death Do Us Part"

~ Ah, you shall be together,
even in the silent memory of God.
~ Kahlil Gibran

They walk
 together in perfect cadence
Both have silver hair, reflecting their years
 His hand gently supports her back, she steps onto the bridge
 My heart softens with this act of tenderness
I think they have spent a lifetime together
Every look, every gesture, is pure and honest-
 Each expression, softly echoes; "Till death do us part."

At the south side of the lake, a group has gathered
A couple have just concluded their wedding vows;"Till death do us part"
 I watch the young couple as they walk to their vehicle
Unlike the older couple, I do not see a shared tenderness
I am troubled; she opens one door, he, the other 
They appear to be in a hurry, so separate, so apart-
Most likely, they are on to a reception.

 I wish they would watch the older couple
Yet, I can see, they have no time for "watching"
They quickly gather the other members of their party
And hasten out of the parking lot
I feel sad; the beginning of their chapter seems so fragile
Yet the older couple, though perhaps fragile in years-
Have a  nurtured solidity about them; "Till death do us part."

Through shared joys and heartaches
They possess a  Freedom in being themselves
 They remind me of  two strong, beautiful trees
Growing side by side, their branches telling a story
There is nothing lopsided about either one
They have grown strong and true-
Life Companions; "Till death do us part."

Looking upward, I see two geese
They fly with graceful precision, their wings in unity
They, too, are together; their relationship revealed in flight
Each is made stronger, because of the other
Life is filled with such opposites, every minute of each day
Perhaps this is the Unseen Hand of the Universe, asking -
Only for a time, or"Till death do us part?"

~ Again, I think about the young couple;"Till death do us part"...

Alicia O'Hara 
Copyrighted Material;.17 August, 2013 

~ Beannaichte'
2 July, 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018

"To Risk"

To Laugh
is to risk appearing the fool

To Weep
is to risk appearing sentimental

To Reach Out
for another is to risk involvement

To Expose Feelings
is to risk exposing our True Self

To Place
your ideas, your dreams,
before the crowd,
is to risk loss

To Love
is to risk not being loved in return

 To Live
is to risk dying

 To Hope
 is to risk despair

 To Try
at all, is to risk failure

But to Risk We Must...
the greatest hazard in Life, is to risk nothing
The Man, the Woman, Who Risks Nothing,
Does Nothing, Has Nothing, is Nothing.


~ Alicia O'Hara
 28 May, 2018


Friday, April 6, 2018

"Message From The Ark"

~ Everything you need to know about life, you can learn from Noah's Ark.
  1. Don't miss the boat.
  2. Remember that we are all in the same boat.
  3. Plan ahead.  It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
  4. Stay fit.  When you are 600 years olde, someone may ask you to do something really big.
  5. Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
  6. Build your future on high ground.
  7. For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
  8. Speed isn't always an advantage.  The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
  9. When you're stressed out, float for a while.
  10. Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
  11. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there is always a Rainbow waiting.

6 April, 2018

Friday, March 30, 2018

" Found"

I come here each Day

I am Searching 

The Water, the olde Bridge-
the Trees 

They are my outward View 

Yet, my Search 
remains Inward.

I want to tell someone
about my Search 
But what do I say
My Search is leading me 
into New Territory-
Unknown Territory
How do I Reveal this to another.

I watch the people
Do they hold a Clue
I am at Home with the Children
They wear no Masks
I am Drawn to their Honesty
I Understand their Curiosity
I Trust their Vulnerability.

I study the Birds-
flitting from branch to branch
I like their Certainty
I watch the Geese and Ducks
I am in Awe of their timeless Grace
They Live within their Space in Time
They are Free.
The Clouds Gather
My Eyes begin Tracing them for an Image-
another Clue
I Know it is Written here
In this Place, I so dearly Love
Here I am Not Alone
It is the Cloak of my Healing.  

I Breathe Deeply
Until my Lungs are Filled-
Amassed with this Sacred Beauty
My Heart beats in Unison
with this Place-this Sanctuary
Here I am Not Lost
But I am Found. 

I walk to the Middle of the Bridge
Standing, Looking out onto the Water
A Bass Leaps in the late afternoon Sun
Then, I realise
I never go Completely across the Bridge
It is Time for me to Risk it-
Follow my Heart's Leading
I will Cross the Bridge...
~ I am Found.   

Alicia O'Hara .
Copyrighted Material: 23 June, 2013

~ Beannaichte'
30 March, 2018

Saturday, March 17, 2018


May the Blessing of Light
 be upon you,
Light on the outside
and Light on the inside.
With God's sunlight
 shining on you.

May your Heart
 glow with warmth
like a turf fire that welcomes
friends and strangers

May the Light of the Lord
shine from your eyes
like a Candle in the window,
welcoming the weary traveler.

May the Blessing
 of God's soft rain
be on you, falling gently
on your head,
refreshing your Soul
with the sweetness
of little Flowers 
newly blooming.

May the Strength
of the winds of Heaven
Bless you,
causing the Rain
 to Wash
your Spirit clean,
sparkling after,
 in the 

May the Blessing
of  God's earth be on you
and as you walk the roads,
may you always 
have a Kind word
for those 
you meet.

May you understand
the  Strength and Power
of God
in a thunderstorm in Winter,
the quiet Beauty 
of Creation
and the 
Calm of a
Summer Sunset.

And may you
come to realize
that insignificant as you
may seem
in this Great Universe
you are
an Important Part
of God's Plan.

May H
Watch over You
 keep You
from harm.

~ Phil Coulter

~ Beannaichte'
17 March, 2018

~ Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


The winter winds lay harsh upon my shoulders
 I am shielded with a protective strength
Reminding me of something, perhaps, someone-
of long ago.

Who is equal to question our place in time
The dye has been cast in spite of us
Now entwining in rivulets of  blue-green crystalline waters-
Clearing away, what no longer needs to be.

We move through the day with a new-found certainty
Awash with the sunlight of clarity 
When  night falls, the Candlelight dances-
With Quiet cadence of Soulful embrace.

What is equal to question our place in time
The dye is cast from an age-olde knowing
Forged by days, scrubbed bare by Prairie winds-
Teaching us the Truth of belonging.

We smile, understanding the depth of our meaning
Standing Together; anticipating the cusp of Sacred Mystery 
 A Circle of  intimacy enfolds us-
As we lay claim to Relationship.

When will our place in time be written
  A place that is borne of Leaving and Arrival
Where the leaving of olde griefs, now too heavy to carry-
The arrival, a new place; anchored by Sun and Moon.

A place where time is not measured in Chronos
Long-defined by the age-olde ticking of the clock
Instead, Kairos determines our mutual joining-
A Touchstone nurturing Reciprocity and Truth.   

So now, my Love; How will we answer
 Will it be with Grace and longing, perhaps commitment
 Embracing that which Life has gifted us-
The Why of it;
 measured in indeterminate Time.

  ~Alicia O'Hara 
~ Copyrighted Material ;19 January, 2014

24 January, 2018
