
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Raising Children"

~To raise a child  Christian it is not simply a matter of
passing on the insights of human knowledge that will 
be useful for gaining a position later in life.  It 
involves more than teaching good manners, 
imparting great learning, or raising
someone with the ability and
desire to promote human 
It also, 
and above all,
means leading the
child to develop an honorable
and upright Character, purity of Heart,
and solid Virtues.  It means cultivating in his
Soul a Faith that opens doors to Understanding the 
world that is not visible, a Hope that strengthens the Heart
with the Promise of the Happiness we long for, and a Love that 
makes God palpable even in the Cold Shadows of Life.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



are like


They can't be made,

You have to Find 


Each One is Unique.

                                         ~Jaclyn Smith

                                                                                                         ~Beannaichte'  (11-29-11) 

~To Gary: I wish you every Happiness, on this your` Special Day', and throughout the coming year!
~Happy Birthday!

Monday, November 28, 2011

"Sister, Sister"

  Sister, Sister,
Take my Hand,
and we'll go back
as far as we can,
back through the fields 
of Memory,
to the long- ago,
you and me.

Childhood was home,
and home was light,
and love and warmth,
on a cold, dark night,
and there at the Heart
of home were we,
the long- ago,
you and me.

We whispered secrets,
laughed and cried,
ran wild outdoors
or stayed inside,
held safely in the
Arms of Family,
the long- ago,
you and me.

We were little then,
Now we are grown,
but I love you still,
my Sister, my Own~
and still at home
in my Heart are we,
the long-ago
you and me.

~To Karen & Sharon; my Sisters. ~With Love...                                                                                                       (11-28-11)

Sacred Space | Daily Prayer Online

Sacred Space | Daily Prayer Online

Sunday, November 27, 2011

"In His Own Words"

Human Respect and Dignity

        Every person is deserving of respect and justice; and every person has an essential right to enjoy, here on earth, the conditions which nourish his intellectual and moral life and religion. He has a right to daily bread for himself and his family.  He has a right, equally and even more so, to humane treatment, to a fair portion of education and liberty, and to the opportunity to worship and serve God.
~Fr. Leo Dehon
(14 March, 1843- 12 August1925)

                                                                                                                 ~Beannaichte'    (11-27-11)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

"Embrace Life"

Fully Celebrate
We Must Be Willing
to Embrace 
Its Joys and Sorrows,
Quiet Pauses,
and the 
Exclamation Points.
25 November, 2011
                                                                                  ~Beannaichte'               ~A.O'.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"In Memory of Greatness"

  Free  Society
Cannot  Help  the  Many  who  are  Poor,


Cannot   Save the  Few  who  are  Rich.
                                                       ~John F. Kennedy

                                                      (29 May, 1917-22 November,1963) 

                                                                                                                                                ~Beannaichte' (11-22-11)

Monday, November 21, 2011

"I Remember... I Remember! "

~To my Mother...I Remember! 
In the Spring,
when the first crocus pokes it's head out of the frozen ground
I think of you and I remember...
I remember.

In the Summer,
when the blaring heat wilts the rose petals
and paints unsightly cracks in the ground, 
I think of you and I remember...
I remember.

In the Autumn,
when the trees are ablaze in the glory of Fall
and my shoes make crackling sounds as I walk, 
I think of you and I remember...
I remember.

And in the Winter, when I stand at my window
to watch a blizzard whirl snow around my grief and loneliness
 then, too, I think of you and I remember ...
I remember.

                 ~Joy Johnson
                                                                                                  ~Beannaichte'   (22November, 2011)


Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Be Yourself"

Be Yourself,

Everyone Else


Already Taken. 
                                                             ~Oscar Wilde

                                                                                                                                 ~ Beannaichte' (11-19-11)

Friday, November 18, 2011

"Love and Miracles"

It is not




for us,

but our


for each other,

that paves

the way


                                                                                                     ~Beannaichte'      (!!-18-11)


Thursday, November 17, 2011

"To Sharon, from Marianne"...

               As some of you know, my Sister is fighting an on-going battle, with cancer.
         Earlier, last evening, I received a post, from a friend, who is aware of Sharon's struggle. The following, are her words , for my Sister; as follows:                                                                             
         Sharon, I do not know what type of cancer you have, or what stage it has reached...but I can only imagine, this is a very tender time. I care about you, even though we have not met. I feel as if I know you.
        Maybe you smile, but I know you cry, too. Sometimes, you feel warm and cozy, and sometimes, you feel cold, empty, small, tired, and alone.
        You lay awake, but you dream.~ You are standing, at a crossroad, in thick fog, lost for a direction. 
        Yet, you want to put up a fight against a disease of pain, devastation, and sadness, you do not deserve.
       We can not see the beyond the Road...but we do know, it will lead us all, some day, into Infinity.
       I give you an encouraging hug, and a warm smile, Sharon...
       ~Sail on life's silver river, winding, with Courage and Faith.
       ~I pray for peaceful waters, and God's embrace.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


In the End

there are no
big Crosses
little Crosses,

there is 
only little


Great Love.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"An Eschatological Laundry List:Partial Registry of Eternal Truths" *

    * Continued; Part 2:
  1. Evil can be displaced but not eradicated, as all solutions breed new problems.
  2. Yet it is necessary to keep on struggling toward new solution.
  3. Childhood is a nightmare.
  4. But it is very hard to be an-on-your-own, take -care-of-yourself-cause-there-is no-one-else-to-do-it-for-you grown-up.
  5. Each of us is ultimately alone.
  6. The most important things, each person must do for oneself.
  7. Love is not enough, but it sure helps.
  8. How strange, that every so often, it all seems worth it.
  9. We must live within the knowledge, of partial freedom, partial power, and partial knowledge.
  10. All important decisions must be made on the basis of insufficient data.  
  11. Yet we are responsible for everything we do.
  12. No excuses will be excepted.
  13. It is most important to run out of scapegoats.
  14. We must learn the power of living with our helplessness.
  15. All ot the significant battles are waged within the self.
  16. You are free to do what you like. You need only to face the consequences.
  17. What do you know...for sure...anyway?
  18. Learn to forgive yourself, again and again and again and again...
                                                                                                              ~Beannaichte'                                                                                                                                                                     (11-15-11)



Monday, November 14, 2011

"An Eschatological Laundry List:Partial Registry of Eternal Truths" *

  1. This is it!
  2. There are no hidden meanings.
  3. Nothing lasts.
  4. There is no way of getting all you want.
  5. You can't have anything unless you let go of it.
  6. You only get to keep what you give away.
  7. There is no particular reason why you lost out on some things.
  8. The world is not necessarily just. Being good often does not pay off and there is no compensation for misfortune.
  9. It is a random universe to which we bring meaning.
  10. You don't really control anything.
  11. You can't make anyone love you.
  12. Everyone is, in his/her own way, vulnerable.
  13. If you have a hero, look again: you have diminished yourself in some way.
  14. Everyone lies, cheats, pretends (yes, you too, and most certainly, I myself.)
  15. All evil is potential vitality, in need of transformation.
  16. All of you is worth something, if you will only own it.
    *To be continued... 

    Saturday, November 12, 2011

    "The Axis"

    ~ The intersection
    between our
    is the 
    mystical power
    in both
    Christian Cross
    and the
    Jewish Star
    It is  
    the point
    Axis of God
    Axis of Humanity.
                                    ~ Unknown

    12 November, 2011

    ~ Beannaichte'

    Friday, November 11, 2011

    "Distinctive Grace"

    ~ Having experienced the pain
    of a broken wing,
    And having been healed
    by the mysterious 
     Mercy of God,
     We then fly again,
    with a Distinctive Grace.
    ~ Unknown

          ~ Beannaichte'
             11 November, 2011


    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    "Everyday Grace"

    Dear God,
    I give You this morning.
    Please take away
    My despair of yesterday.
    Help me to forgive the things
    That caused me pain
    And would keep me bound.
    Help me to begin again. 
     Please bless my path
    And illumine my mind.
    I surrender to You
    The day ahead.
    Please bless every person
    And situation
    I will encounter.
    Make me who You would have me be,
    That I might do as You would have me do.
    Please enter my Heart 
    And remove all anger,
    Fear and pain.  
    Renew my Soul
    And  free my Spirit.  
    Thank You, God, 
                      For this Day.                        

         ~ Marianne Williamson 

    ~ Beannaichte'
    9 November, 2011